Posted November 05, 2009
Miaghstir: Here's a 24-inch widescreen CRT, though I cannot find mentions of anything larger, save for TV screens.
Wait, what?!
Shipping Weight: 107.8 pounds
That'd be nearly 50kg?! INSANE. There's your WMDs, right there. Those babies, if launched at the sun, would make it go critical and unleash a world of pain.
I doubt my desk would have been able to support that weight.. Guess I shouldn't have bought one that's effectively made of frosted glass. (it was sexy)
michaelleung: My grandparents have a HDTV in China that is made by one of the biggest electronics companies there, and I remember it was a CRT that did 1080p (!) and it was like 32-inches. I'm not sure if the Ikea table it was sitting on broke or not.
A CRT TV capable of 1080p? I didn't even know that was possible.. Guess you learn something new each day.