Ric1987: Is there a way to play those without having to configure DOSBOX myself? Because I suck at that. I haven't looked at the links yet, except for Spelunky that looks interesting.
Just throw me a shout if you need help with dosbox. While I'm no Dosbox wizard, I can most likely help you get Jazz Jacrabbit to run. In fact, if you want to see how well it goes, give the
Shareware version a try. Let dosbox set the cycles count for this one, it should work just fine. Here is how to get the game to run:
Unzip the file to whatever dir you want (though the shorter the path from the root dir on your HD it is, the easier). Give the folder a nice and easy name, such as Jazz.
Then just type in:
mount c "dir where your jazz folder is" (for an example: mount c d:\games)
cd jazz
Setup (pick soundblaster 16, and you do of course have a computer capable of handling ultra quality)
Then exit the stup and just type in Jazz
And now the game should run