Blarg: Couldn't see the site either. But here's a Walmart bingo card, attached.
Thanks for that, it might actually get me to set foot in our supercenter to see how fast I could get Bingo. Also thanks OP, that site just helped reaffirm why I can't stand going anywhere near that store unless it would be to people watch.
anjohl: Off topic, but I was in a Wal-mart one morning (I am very emabrassed to admit that), and they were just starting their "Wal Mart Cheer". I am sorry, but any company that expects its minimum wage employees (whose sole job responsiblity is to act as a mindless slave, selling irresponsibly made (and sold) chinese goods to consumers with no concept of social responsiblity) to sing an ANTHEM every day (MANDATORY) goes on my "wag of the finger" list.
True irony: people on welfare due to a layoff shopping at walmart. An ironic positive feedback loop.
I worked with a guy who had previously worked at a Walmart warehouse a few hours north of me. He said they were required to do the cheer there also and he hated that meeting, even though he loves Walmart and would get mad whenever I'd say anything bad about the company. They got paid more than the store employees do at least and he said the area it was in had nothing better paying, so they liked the company there. It sounded like the rest of the benefits were just as bad as the retail positions though and they were encouraged to sign up for health coverage with the state.
I never was in a Walmart before Sam died, so can't say what the shopping experience was like when they still sold US made goods, but I think the experience now is terrible and I rarely ever set foot in one, though I do shop at Sam's Club sometimes. It kind of bothers me though knowing anything I spend at Sam's, still goes to the same people. The only bright spot is knowing the employees of Sam's get better pay and treatment.