Miaghstir: Yeah, given how much the system's changed with 3, 3.5, and now 4E (although I'm not entirely sure where the biggest change happened - maybe 2E/AD&D with it's switch to negative-armourclass-is-good that was again reversed with 3E).
Which settings are still active in 4E? Forgotten Realms of course, but what else? Planescape and Greyhawk are long since gone, how about Eberron and Dragonlance? Others?
Eh, wait... according to Wikipedia,
Planescape WAS updated to 3.5E, but I'm not sure about 4E.
Navagon: Well, that sounds a lot more reasonable. If Planescape made a belated appearance into the realms of 4E then an updated version wouldn't be so unrealistic.
But purely from a computer gaming perspective, surely they can see the sense in re-releasing the game, even in its present state? It's not like there is no demand for it. For starters, it's the second highest requested game on this site. It would sell many thousands of copies. Atari & WotC would get most of that. All just for okaying it.
Yeah, but I believe it's mostly up to WotC (or rather Hasbro, who owns them), I'm thinking they allow publishers to sell a predetermined amount of each licensed product, but not that any new products may be created with an old ruleset or discontinued setting. I'm pretty sure Atari would jump at the opportunity to gain more cash that simply.