tb87670: Topic has been hijacked temporarily for this announcement: Flynn effect has bee tossed out the window a long time ago. General IQ's change with the IQ tests, but as of late people have been rapidly deteriorating in intelligence and it's blatantly obvious.
This is absolute hooey. If anything the average intelligence levels seem to be on the rise, but it's basically useless to draw any conclusions because A) there isn't enough reliable data and B) the concept of intelligence is clumsily defined anyway.
People weren't any smarter 50, 100, or 500 years ago to say the least. With todays (general) level of education, attempts at introducing creationism in schools notwithstanding, the level of enlightenment and hence the expectation for average intelligence to increase has never been higher.
Raising intelligence or a biological level will take thousands of years. Whatever seems to have happened in the last generation can be neglected, as it is based on intermittent social factors and hence inferior to the biological factors that take centuries to develop.