dirtyharry50: This looks really neat. My first thought, just jokingly, was where are the bad guys? Who do I shoot around here? lol
Really though, watching the videos on Steam makes me want to try it but I am wondering what the heck do you do besides wander around taking it all in? Is there some point to it, some goal to pursue, some puzzle to unravel or something? If it is possible to do a playthrough which I guess means there is some ending to this, I am very curious about what else the gameplay involves.
I am actually still really excited to play it at some point, but I'm not willing to buy it at it's current price based on what I've recently read about it. From what I understand, it's a really sweet work of art, but the experience lasts less than an hour, and it's not something you'll necessarily revisit right away. One person equated it to seeing a piece of art that you like in a museum: It might be really cool, but it's not necessarily something you feel like you need hanging on your living room wall. Also, 10 dollars is a lot of money for such a small amount of content. Blame sales if you wish, but the fact remains that for 10 dollars you can get many, many more hours of content from a game.
I look forward to checking this experience out at some point, but for the time being, I can't justify spending 10 dollars for a 'game' that lasts less than hour, when you can get anywhere from 1 to 3 great games for that same price that could be dozens or even a hundred hours of gameplay.
Oh, and as far as what you actually do in the game: You walk around and explore, and that's it. There is zero interaction with the world, it's more of the world reacting to you, according to the (positive, I might add) reviews. Sounds like it could be neat, but doesn't sound like 10 dollars neat =(