Posted February 25, 2013

Bad Hair Day
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Alien Chopsticks
Registered: Feb 2013
From Sweden
Posted February 25, 2013
id Software never made a game with a decent storyline. The only game that had something even remotely resembling the storyline was Doom 3, but even that one is just a cheesy B-movie type horror. The classic id Software games were mindless shooters. I have a feeling Doom 4 will be an extremely generic shooter with shitton of bugs(yay Bethesda beta testers), unless they hire some decent writers.
Post edited February 25, 2013 by aivadroid

The Big Gog
Registered: May 2011
From Italy
Posted February 25, 2013
Well I enjoy the shooting section on Rage, but the problem is that damned buggy.
You travel all the time, and all the time you visit the same location,over and over.
I'd prefer a shorter game with no driving section and no recycled locations.
You travel all the time, and all the time you visit the same location,over and over.
I'd prefer a shorter game with no driving section and no recycled locations.

Registered: Sep 2011
From Canada
Posted February 25, 2013
rage is quite fun, especially when you reach the sewer and the lost city, does get boring last bit of the game, as you expect more and their is not much and the gave ends suddenly. if you liked doom 3 then why dont you try quake 4, a better made doom 3

The Big Gog
Registered: May 2011
From Italy
Posted February 25, 2013

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
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Brewed in Dublin
Registered: Nov 2011
From United States
Posted February 25, 2013
I haven't played Quake 4 in awhile... should do something about that.

New User
Registered: May 2010
From Italy
Posted February 25, 2013

I played FIVE hours and I can't do anything else then driving between two locations and killing some monsters on three different location I already visited maybe three times each.
And the game has not a plot.
You see that video on the beginning, and that's all. There is no purpose to continue playing this, I'm playing on Nightmare and with infinite saves and regenerating health the game is a piece of cake.
Doom 3 is much better then this.

4-bit classic
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands
Posted February 25, 2013
I found Rage to be quite boring and repetitive as well, so you're not alone in that.
But I don't particularly like Doom 3 either.
I was going to play the BFG edition a couple of months ago to see if perhaps my opinion was overly critical, but there were no subtitles so I didn't play it.
But I don't particularly like Doom 3 either.
I was going to play the BFG edition a couple of months ago to see if perhaps my opinion was overly critical, but there were no subtitles so I didn't play it.

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted February 25, 2013
Have you played Quake 4? It does a lot to keep the game "fresher" than Doom 3 but ultimately I find that most FPS games can get boring but that's to be expected, it's an FPS. Once you start to add stuff like story, strategy, and puzzles it's no longer an FPS, it's Deus Ex or it's Outcast. I love FPS but I can only play them in spurts because even the good ones are pretty much 'Run, shoot, blow shit up...repeat'.
Post edited February 25, 2013 by tinyE

Alien Chopsticks
Registered: Feb 2013
From Sweden

Call me duder
Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany
Posted February 25, 2013
I actually finished Rage just yesterday. Must admit that I thought it to be bit boring as well. Even with not playing one minigame and minimal driving.

Freedom Fighter
Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic
Posted February 25, 2013
Personally I liked Rage a lot, except its non-existent ending. The graphics was like concept art come alive, beautiful, the shooting was incredibly satisfying and well done, racing driving had simple but pleasant physics...I was never bored with it.
I even bought the DLC that recently came out, and will replay the whole game with it.
I even bought the DLC that recently came out, and will replay the whole game with it.

v o i d | flower
Gloomy User
Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted February 25, 2013
When it came out I fucking hated it. I decided to play it again and I thought it was decent.
Never needed super fancy stories in my pure shooters. Just let me mutilate monsters with bullets!
Never needed super fancy stories in my pure shooters. Just let me mutilate monsters with bullets!

Friendship is magic. Magic is Heresy!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Brazil
Posted February 25, 2013
I loved what they did to the combat. A real improvement over classic id shooters.
I mostly missed more boss fights and a proper last boss, but other than that, great fun.
I still have to get that darned DLC pack.
Edit: I also missed a little bit more tiers between enemies. Mutants are either pathetically easy to kill or hard as hell. And the humans felt much similar.
I mostly missed more boss fights and a proper last boss, but other than that, great fun.
I still have to get that darned DLC pack.
Edit: I also missed a little bit more tiers between enemies. Mutants are either pathetically easy to kill or hard as hell. And the humans felt much similar.
Post edited February 25, 2013 by Falci