tinyE: Am I the only one who thinks that from a personal stand point privacy is somewhat overrated? I'm not talking about everyone, just the average Joe like myself.
My life is an open book, anything you ask no matter how personal I will tell you without hesitation, and I do this to prove that in most (again this doesn't apply to everyone) instances there is nothing regarding my private life that is likely be either remotly interesting or usefull. Side note; dead on about "1984", but (I'm repeating myself) that has to do with entire social and political systems which is a different ball of wax. I'm only talking about the common fart head tax paying game playing gog trolling homo sapian like myself.
That's the difference, in the case where you get to chose who you tell. I'm an open book in general, but this is provided somebody actually asks me about me. I don't mind telling to a certain extent, but when someone is going behind my back to get information on me, that is where I start having an issue. It is creepy.
It is the principle of it, my life is my business. If someone wants to know something about me, ask. I like to at least have the illusion of controlling my information on who has it and who doesn't and how I am presented.