Ralackk: I doubt we will see lucas arts now they are releasing monkey island special edition. Why sell your old games for $10 when you can sell them for what I assume will be alot more when they annouce the price.
Arkose: LucasArts could quite easily release games they don't plan to do anything with in the foreseeable future while retaining those they intend to make higher profits from; Ubisoft has released Far Cry and Prince of Persia here even though they are actively selling and/or working on sequels. Additionally, since normal license retention issues don't apply to their Star Wars games there are any number of titles they could easily revive which would be guaranteed to be profitable (especially after receiving the GOG treatment to work properly on XP/Vista/7).
Yeah, but those aren't special editions of old games.
We know Revolution didn't want the first Broken Sword on here for that reason, I'd assume Lucasarts would see it the same way -- can't blame them, but sucks for us.
Also the new games would incline more people to buy the old ones, so its double win for them.