Ratty_Randnums: Games that are branded "NFL" or with some other sports league/player are able to use that brand name because the company which created or distributes the game pay for the license to use it in/on the game. This could create a ton of legal issues for any attempt at a re-release in the future as both the company that made the game and the current holders of the rights to the brand would have to come to an agreement on it, not to mention any issue over players likenesses etc. I'm no expert (never seriously played a sports game in my life) but I believe this is what he meant.
So, let's say GOG wants to release Microprose's F1 Grand Prix 2; what you're saying is, in spite of Microprose having had the licensing rights from FIA back in 1996, GOG still needs to reach an agreement with FIA again?
On the other hand, F1 GP 1 apparently had no official FIA license, so I guess this one is much more likely to appear here eventually. Yay!