Sufyan: I don't really hold SFII against Capcom. They were console games. You can't offer patches or DLC with new fighters or game settings. Still, of course, the only reason to release any title is to make money. They weren't putting out new versions of SFII because technology prevented them from updating the original cartridges, ie it wasn't fan service. Still, the very same technological limitations makes me feel like I shouldn't think worse of them for it.
Really? Even if we exclude Turbo HD Remix since it came out almost two decades later, you don't think five remakes of one game in a very short period of time isn't baiting for money with basically the same game? You're right when you said there weren't patches and DLC then: well why couldn't they come up with lots more characters and settings and modes and whatever, then make one remake with all that stuff, instead of making only subtle changes before another release? To me it feels like the whole SFII board meetings probably went like this:
Member 1: "Duuuude, I totally remembered now that I had this awesome design for this one character, but we forgot to include him in the game."
Member 2: "Worry not! Let's just relaunch the game with a different title. People will definitely get it because of that sweet new character. Let's call the new title...Super Street Fighter II! People will know it's the same awesome quality they're used to, but now it's even better because it's SUPER!"
Member 1: "Ummm...actually we already re-released the game with that title. Last week Mark remembered he had forgotten this cool extra move for Chun-Li and we just had to get it in. A bit before that Keith had noticed a little graphical error in Dhalsim's Yoga Fire attack and we just had to fix that and re-release the game."
Member 2: Really? This is even better! Now we can call the game Super Street Fighter II TURBO! That's sounds even better than plain "super"; super is so yesterday. Turbo is gonna make them think it's like Super Street Fighter II on speed!"
And SFIV has no excuse whatsoever. We have DLC today. The games...I mean re-releases aren't that different from the original, so why not just release the new stuff as DLC. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but SFIV owners and Super SFIV owners can't even play matches against each other: that's baiting for more money with a minimum effort.
Sufyan: A rather sneaky more recent game is Flat Out 2 which was remade and released as Flat Out: Ultimate Carnage on the Xbox 360. The games are almost completely identical save for some nicer graphics and different soundtrack in Ultimate Carnage (Flat Out 2 had almost only popular or well known bands while Ultimate Carnage reverted to the Flat Out roots using mostly European indie bands). Maybe I just missed out on some public relations stuff, but I don't think it was clear enough that they weren't putting out a new Flat Out game, just re-releasing a polished Flat Out 2 for the 360 under a new name.
Yeah, I guess it could've been a DLC, but at least with UC there could be more drivers on the road at the same time and it had more mini-games. Sure, when you compare it to FlatOut 2 it looks and feels the same: there's just a bit more of everything. But at least they didn't include just one extra minigame five separate times.