teknomedic: Would really need to know more information. Like.. can you fully download the file with no errors and it only corrupts when you install?
Roberttitus: More or less
This is not an every time thing, but some files are impossible to get. Like I was able to download Sonic Adventure 2 HD which islike 3.5 Gigs, but am not able to download I Am Alive which is like 2 GB I think. There seems to be no real rhyme or reason to the way it works.
Hmm... sorry about not getting back here sooner.
Have you tried switching from wired to wifi or wifi to wired? Also... be sure to reset all your hardware (modem, router, PS3, etc).... do this by unplugging, then holding down the power buttons for good 30secs. The power them up one at a time. modem, then router, then PS3 etc.
Another thing to look at would be your firewall settings in your router or modem and ensure the PS3's ports are open as needed.
You could also try remvoing the router as an option and connect directly through the modem... again, try wired connection to avoid wifi issues... but if that still doesn't work, try wifi, lol.
Of course if the downloads are downloading perfectly fine, but ONLY corrupting on install... might be hard to know for certain... then it could be the PS3 getting too hot... have you blown the dust out of it recently???
If you have a good friend with good internet... take your PS3 to their house and see if your issues remain... if so then it it's likely your PS3 is having hardware issues vs your house having network issues....on the flip side... if you have another friend with a PS3... you could have them try it at your house.