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high rated


I was gifted a couple games recently & since one of my favorite games ever is on sale, I'd like to gift it to someone. But not just anyone, I'd prefer it go to someone who really wants to play the game rather than someone who is just looking for a freebie that will sit on their virtual game shelf & never get played. To me, that seems fair.

And I'd like you to answer some questions as a form of entry into this contest. Your answers will have no impact on who wins, I'm just curious is all. Please answer them honestly, with as little or as much detail as you like. You may pick more than one answer for each question (for instance, I'm heavy into Fantasy and Sci-Fi but not so much Steampunk, so my answer for Question #1 would be Fantasy & Sci-Fi). So, without further ado, tell me what you like best...

1 - Fantasy, Sci-Fi, or Steampunk?

2 - Dwarves, Elves, Halflings, or Gnomes?

3 - Might, Magic, or Technology?

4 - Monsters, Aliens, Robots or Cyborgs?

5 - Star Trek or Star Wars?

That's it. Should be pretty easy to anyone with any interest in these things. And I will choose a winner via at some point before the sale is over, so that anyone who didn't win can purchase Arcanum at the sale price if they still want it. Good luck to all who enter!


Post edited June 01, 2013 by ChaunceyK
I just bought this yesterday so don't want to play for the game but do want to play for the fun of it, if thats ok.

Fantasy for the most part
Elves always
Magic almost always
Monsters go hand in hand with fantasy
Star Trek but only cuz Lucas ruined the franchise. It may change again after the next trilogy.
Not in but +1
ChaunceyK: 1 - Fantasy, Sci-Fi, or Steampunk?

2 - Dwarves, Elves, Halflings, or Gnomes?

3 - Might, Magic, or Technology?

4 - Monsters, Aliens, Robots or Cyborgs?

5 - Star Trek or Star Wars?
Thanks for the chance!
1. Fantasy.
2. Gnomes =)
3. Magic
4. Robots
5. Star Trek

And I'm definitely play this and not just have it sit idle on a dusty shelf. +rep to you
not in but thanks +1
Not in, already own Arcanum, but if you want to know...
1. Steampunk and dystopian \ social SF. I'm a big fan of retro and dystopian stories.
2. Gnomes. Least used in generic fantasy so least destroyed by generic fantasy.
3. Technology. We need more games with \ about Nikola Tesla.
4. Monsters (especially inner monsters) and cyborgs (make interesting option to introduce inner monsters).
5. (classic) Star Wars. Were with me since early childhood.
Post edited June 01, 2013 by Novotnus
Great giveaway! +1 :) Count me in!

1. Scifi or Steampunk, depending on the game. Not a big fantasy fan, but if the game's fun (ala Skyrim), I can handle it.
2. Elves. I can't play the others without giggling XD
3. I'd like to use Technology (like a rogue or thief) more often, but I'm shit at stat allocation, so I end up brute-forcing my way through most RPGs :/
4. Cyborgs, because I like stories about losing your humanity. Alien stories are cool if they go in-depth about their culture, and robots are great for dystopian settings. Monsters don't interest me much (unless they're scary and it's a horror game).
5. Not a big fan of either, but seeing as I've never seen any of the shows or movies about Star Trek, I'd have to go with Star Wars.
Post edited June 01, 2013 by JohnWalrus
Not in as I bought it the day I joined but GREAT giveaway. :D
Thanks for the chance and your generosity ChaunceyK :-)

1 - Steampunk
2 - Elves
3 - Technology
4 - Cyborgs
5 - Star Wars
1 - Fantasy, Sci-Fi, or Steampunk?

Sci-Fi, then Steampunk. But I'll accept Fantasy in a pinch. I do play rpgs after all.

2 - Dwarves, Elves, Halflings, or Gnomes?

Dwarves. Screw the rest.

3 - Might, Magic, or Technology?

Technology whenever available. Might when not. Magic never.

4 - Monsters, Aliens, Robots or Cyborgs?

Aliens, robots. Androids rather than cyborgs. Monsters if you got 'em. (See answer 1 above.)

5 - Star Trek or Star Wars?

Star Trek. What's that other one? People seem to bring it up a lot.
I'm in if that's ok

1. Fantasy has always been an intrest for me. I like the idea of a world where monsters and magic exist.
2. Dwarves are my favorite race for the most part, mostly because I really like playing a short guy wielding a giant axe. And the beards... Gotta love the epic beards.
3. Might is the way to go. Breaking through a door in a berserker rage has always been a favorite
4. Monsters. As I said before fantasy is my favorite. Plus who doesn't like a good dragon fight.
5. Star Trek. I could never get into the Star Wars movies and having multiple series in the same universe is pretty cool imo.
I'm not in(have and played Arcanum), thanks. But I'll participate.
Any setting is good for me so long as I like the world/story/characters
Elves or halflings
Might, I often go thief/rogue route but generally depend on high speed/criticals and not stealth so still might mainly.
No preference here either
I prefer old SW to ST and new ST to SW
1) Whateverpunk (so scifi ;))
2) Gnomes
3) Tech
4) Cyborgs
5) Star trek

And I am not in, already have it ;) but thanks for getting new people into Terra Arcana
Novotnus: ...
I feel it the same way! (except fot that SW, as kid I watched a lot of Picard :D)
Post edited June 01, 2013 by Bodkin
Random forum questions? Drat! I can't resist answering random forum questions!

1. Fantasy. I'm a sucker for swords and sorcery...
2. Gnomes. You can punt them so much farther than the others.
3. Magic. What can I say? Being able to blast things to pieces with just one's willpower is sexy.
4. Monsters. Probably because of my disposition toward fantasy.
5. Ehhh... tough one. Can't really judge by just TV series/movies since I don't know much of either. Including games based on the franchises though, I'd give the edge to Star Wars.
Not in
but for the questions (oh, the fun)
1. Fantasy
2. Elves
3. Might
4. Star Trek