Coelocanth: That's what he said, and it's true of Stardock's other games as well. The retail discs have no DRM and no activation. You can go out, buy the retail version, install it off-line and play it without the disc in the drive.
Well given his next port (the one I quote below) he seem to think that the game remained DRM-free even after being update which it not the game. (Which is pretty silly if you ask me as some non-Stardock impulse games are really DRM-free and remain DRM-free even after update like Braid for exemple)
Gamerkought: And once the game is updated, it's still protection free. So if you're really paranoid, you can just back up your Demigod folder. And voila, instant fully patched DRM free game.
Wrong That was exactly my point, as soon as you update the game it's
no longer protection/DRM free if you backup the folder and try to play it on another computer (or even if you change something on your computer or reinstall windows) you will be forced to reactivate the game online.
Actually, "before" things were working as you said and games remained DRM-free even after updates but apparently they changed this behavior some months ago.