strixo: I actually think this is what makes a rating system unhelpful. Critical (despite possiblly being informative) reviews of games get down-voted by fans. Not so hot.
liquidsnakehpks: speaking of which did you read the most helpful review written by roman for :O wow i wonder from he gets all those information for every game possible
Well, obviously he's staff at GameIndustry, considering he used 'his'
liquidsnakehpks: im sure you are plotting to attack those who might have given neverwinter nights bad reviews :D
strixo: I actually think this is what makes a rating system unhelpful. Critical (despite possiblly being informative) reviews of games get down-voted by fans. Not so hot.
Heh, he was riffing on my unflagging devotion to NWN. But yeah, I'd agree with that - a well written critical review is far more valuable than a poorly written 'THIS GITS FIVE STARS COZ I PLAYED IT AS KID AND WAS DURRTARDED THEN LOLZORZ' kind of review.