Mentalepsy: Is that how it is through the whole game, or is it more like Fallout, where you're starved at the beginning, but drowning in ammo and medical supplies after a few hours? I think System Shock 2 had very well-tuned resource management - as long as you were careful, didn't waste supplies, and thought about what you were doing, you could afford to take risks and explore unnecessary areas.
Love SS2. You certainly have access to a lot more ammo later, but the weight problem is always an issue. I would occassionally run low whilst outriding far from the Bar. I always kinda enjoyed it actually, as it required me to switch to a different weapon.
Mentalepsy: Someone told me once that the idea that "you can go in there, but you shouldn't because it's probably a waste of supplies" was basically the whole point, and that if you go out exploring on your own away from the main plot, you're an idiot who's playing the game wrong. Is that really the case? If so, I don't think it's the game for me, because I feel like that's almost anti-gameplay.
That's not the point. The greatest source of supplies in terms of ammo are other NPCs, so a night assault on the bandit camp in Dark Valley (ninja-style, such an awesome moment) was a highlight during the early parts of the game for me. Admittedly, unless you *know* there are loads of NPCs some place, it's not really worth investigating it until you've got one or two stashes marked on your map.
I would say, to be fair, that the game's artifact mechanic doesn't work for me. Artifacts are powerful and important, but I never sought them out. The anomalies are usually too dangerous.
Mentalepsy: By the way, I'm not trying to bash the game. I really want to like it, I just... don't :p If I know more about what to expect, though, I'm more likely to give it another try.
It's all cool! Just give it another bash (with Complete 2009 if you haven't already) and make sure you at least get to the Bar.
sk8ing667: I just read, they are not compatible. I am at the part where I'm supposed to get a key from some guy name Brokov or something. I'm also trying to find out what happened to Ghost.
It's probably worth restarting as the game is much better with the mod.
Oh, and if any of y'all find a double barrelled shotgun (hunting shotgun) in this game, hold onto it. I only ever found one, plus one as a quest item, and they are obscene. Much better than combat shotguns. I don't think they're in the vanilla version though.