Posted December 24, 2014

Couple quick things about the game.
First - Yes, we will 100% be on GOG. We have been in touch with them since Star Command Galaxies development began. They have been very supportive and we will be on here.
Second - All of our kickstarters, 1st and 2nd did receive the game. As for the funds, 100% went to the development of Star Command Galaxies. But to be frank, 150k is about 15% of the total cost of the game so a lot of other funding has come in, both from the success of the mobile title and investors. It's really neither here nor there though - all that matters is that the game is good.
Third - we have not discarded mobile. It's a big income generator for us, as we have sold over 600,000 units. We are currently porting to WIndows phone, revising gameplay elements like combat and adding new content like pirates. That said, we're always a bit lost on the requirement to provide continued support for the game. Star Command mobile is significantly longer than other $2.99 games so were just not sure where that outlook comes from (again, one of the major problems with the mobile market).
Currently the plan is to have monthly updates and the next one will be out mid January. We are taking a Prison-Architect/Kerbal/Rimworld route through our Alpha to take some of the pressure off of a schedule and keep the focus on progress and quality.
Be happy to answer any and all questions as well! I will be checking in the forum regularly now that I know there is GoG following here.
Cheers and Happy Holidays,