Denezan: I don't know if I should facepalm at this or what. Introducing Khan Noonien Singh into this. Dear lord what are they doing to my Trek? :( To be honest, the people who make these films need to get themselves an original idea instead of all these remakes.
Total recall = pure garbage to anyone who has seen the original.
Transformers = sexy CGI but abysmal story (Autobot's tearing a decepticon apart horror film style? Yeah right)
Garfield = seriously?
Star Trek = has its moments of comedic value, but other than that, it blows the big one.
The Chipmunks = oh dear god make it stop.
Do I need to add anymore?
It is so bad even The Smurfs was remade. Come on already, enough is enough.
As has already been pointed out, we have absolutely no confirmation whatsoever as to who Benedict Cumberbatch is playing. We don't know if it's Khan, and any speculation that it was him (my own included) is just guesswork. Someone else speculated that it could also very well be Garth of Izar from one of the Season 3 TOS episodes.