CaptainGyro: Here's the BBC site that i assume you approve of. What's the difference?
Well the difference, as cogadh has already pointed out, is that the BBC is to all intents and purposes publicly funded. They have no ratings drive. No target audience to pander to. They haven't picked a popular British political party and consistently demonstrated a bias towards that party.
They haven't pandered to xenophobia by labelling a country of over a billion people as nothing but goons and thugs (CNN). They actually ensure that while they cover the opinions of individuals who write for the BBC, those opinions are kept to columns and entirely separate from the news articles.
It should also be noted that these opinions aren't baseless hyperbole too. More often than not they're written in a way to show you their perspective on the matter rather than simply stating the conclusions they've reached. In short they're not representing opinion as fact.
As for MSNBC they may not be quite as extreme as FOX, but they are their leftist*counterpart.
*that is to say leftist by American standards. Quite a bit right of centre.
CaptainGyro: well I'm taking about websites, since that is where the whole conversation started from. Navagon said it wouldn't make any differnce what kind of link the Op posted, and basically said we have no real news sites
I actually never mentioned sites in that comment. I was referring to American
news in general and used the word "mostly" which generally refers to the most dominant news agencies like those three already covered.
There are plenty of internet sources, including those originating from the US, that would have included enough fact to be able to determine if this bill would have targeted miscarriages as claimed by the more opinionated and biased sources. But Fox News ain't it.