Party on, Garth! Tarnicus: Party on Wayne! (if anyone can ever find a clip of the MTV special they did where they played a song of theirs that I can't remember but really loved when I was a teenager, please let me know, including what the song was!)
Edit: It's amazing what appears on the internet. This isn't the first time that I've re-searched for something that I've searched for many times before and given up on.
Pain Cave Ah 1992...learning electric guitar, listening to Nirvana and loving grunge bands, undercut haircuts, drinking, smoking and being a rebel. Not much has changed :P
Holy crappers! I didn't have MTV in the 90s so I missed that! Thank you gods of the internets for bestowing upon us classic awesomeness! I still love grunge, in fact I'm going to see Alice in Chains in August for the first time. I know, no Layne Staley, but Jerry Cantrell really was 98% of all the writing, so I don't find it blasphemous.
I really dug Mike's bass playing in that video, as a bass player myself. The bass solo was surprisingly good! Thanks Tarnicus for bringing that to my attention.
Azrael999: Unfortunately I am new to forum so don't have much rep yet.... but I would be mighty grateful for key to Magrunner: Dark Pulse, as I missed it due to work :)
Thank you in advance and in any case congratulations mate for all achievements and giveaway (and plus from me) :)
Sorry Az, Magrunner already got taken. Try your luck in this thread, I know there are still some keys floating around: