aduken: in for the third block!
Also, i think there is something really wrong with having to apologize for giving away games...
You buy one game. You keep one copy, you give away another copy.... hmmm.... not sure what you want to call that. I do not call it generosity.
Why not just pirate the games? It is much more honest.
Yes, I lied, I came back. This is going to be the last from me (I think) :)
amok: I do so wish people would stop exploiting the good faith of HiB.
You buy one copy of the game, duplicating them is in my point not different than piracy. In this case, the OP is keeping the DRM free versions and giving away the Steam versions. Correct me if I am wrong.
Schnuff: Sorry, to let you down.
I haven't any of the above games on my pc that i didn't at last bought a 2nd time. Oh, maybe you see that SH Silver can check the Ninja thread i am posting it there.
Thats fine, you are then able to give away the HiB URL and not the steam keys.
Ah, sorry. I did not reply to you properly. Well, if this is the case then these two posts from HiB might interest you. It seems you did not click the links, so for you convenience I copy-pasted the content below:
If I already have a game(s) in the bundle do I have the ability to gift the extra copy in the bundle? Unfortunately, if you already have a game in the bundle you will not be able to gift the extra games to a friend.
Please consider your bundle a "unit", and not to share copies of the games or Steam keys from it.
If you'd like to give a copy of the games away, we have a system in place that allows you to buy a gift key from so your friends can have access to direct downloads as well as any Steam or other keys we have included."
So having the other copies of a game is not an excuse of giving away HiB games.
Can I sell/give away my keys? Each purchase is intended for use by one individual. Please read our Terms of Service."
So every single HiB giveaway should be a single key, and it should contain both the DRM free installers and Steam keys where available.
These are very specific and there is not much room for different interpretations. But please, let me down and tell me I am wrong and I will do an apology in every single thread.