Posted October 08, 2012

Looking back I found a post where you mentioned not really being interested in some of the games and wpegg saying that it was more important wanting to play and his main concern was people joining only to post the code after finding out it took a bit of effort. Holding it ransom was one method of playing the game and while it wasn't "nice" I don't believe it was too "nasty".
I remember getting several offers but I turned them down. I thought about not trading the code at all and forcing wpegg to post it in the ninja giveaway thread like he said he would (at least I think that's what he said). I felt a bit bad for holding the game ransom after the fact so I purchased and posted a code for Anachronox (the most wanted game) in the thread after wpegg made it public and confused some of the other players while making Nmillar happy.
For anyone who decides to join this giveaway/contest please remember that it's just a game. Don't hold it against anybody if they play a better game than you and while you can be a bit "nasty" don't take it too far. I'm not going to enter this time since I'm content with the games I have and don't really have 1 game I'm dying to play. Have fun guys :)