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high rated
Giveaway CLOSED

Many years ago, I had my first Star Trek experience (Star Trek: The Motion Picture). Soon after this event, I learned to make the Vulcan salute with ease (with both hands). Not a very useful talent, perhaps, at least in this planet and time, but I'm still proud of it. ;) So...

... TO ENTER, please tell me: what useless skill, talent or knowledge do you have?

-- Inquisitor (GOG) (kindly donated by ISC)
-- Hacker Evolution Duality (Steam) (kindly donated by Licurg)
(so please say thank you to these wonderful persons!)

1. You must have joined before October 2012 OR have 50+ rep points.
2. You can enter for one of the prizes (specify which one) or both of them (specify the order). If you don't choose any prize(s) in your post, I'll assume that you don't want to enter.
3., one prize for winner, re-giftting or trading are allowed.
4. The draw will be middle next week. ;)

I would like to dedicate the giveaway, as usual, to all those of you who make this community a friendly and warming place to stay. Thanks to all of you! :)

PS: If you see this thread is lost in the depths of the forum, I really would appreciate a small BUMP to it! ;)
Post edited February 13, 2013 by Thespian*
Not entering, but I learned how to do the vulcan hand thing too, a long time ago. :D

As for another, well I learned to use a firearm and even had one a long time ago, haven't used one in 'a while' though, about as useless as you can get. :D
Post edited February 06, 2013 by KylieM
I can bend just the tips off all my fingers at the joint and also bend my fingers back to 90 degrees. I can dislocate my shoulders and thumbs and pop them back in. Not advisable though as it can cause serious damage to muscles and ligaments and is painful as hell at the best of times just doing normal day to day things.

When I was younger could do the box splits when doing martial arts training, once again not advisable now though as I could do permanent damage.

Can I be entered for Inquisitor please
KylieM: As for another, well I learned to use a firearm and even had one a long time ago, haven't used one in 'a while' though, about as useless as you can get. :D
And I hope it stays that way in the future... :D
KylieM: Not entering, but I learned how to do the vulcan hand thing too, a long time ago. :D
"Live long and prosper" then, Kylie. :)
Iain: I can bend just the tips off all my fingers at the joint and also bend my fingers back to 90 degrees. I can dislocate my shoulders and thumbs and pop them back in. Not advisable though as it can cause serious damage to muscles and ligaments and is painful as hell at the best of times just doing normal day to day things.

When I was younger could do the box splits when doing martial arts training, once again not advisable now though as I could do permanent damage.
Iain: Can I be entered for Inquisitor please
Sure! ;)
Post edited February 06, 2013 by Thespian*
Useless talent: can twist my right arm around 360 degrees when it's leaning on a table.
Useless skill: dominant against any of my friends in any Worms game.
Useless knowledge: I know pretty much everything that has happened in a certain Finnish drama / soap opera during its run (on the air since '99)

In for Inquisitor, thanks.
I can lick my elbows. It's apparently impossible, so naturally I get asked to do it quite often, but I think might still qualify as a useless skill.
edit: Here's another one - I had always assumed everyone could do this, but apparently that's not true. I can suppress my vision in either eye at will (without closing or covering an eye). I was 6 when I learnt how to look through both eyes at the same time.

I'd like to enter for Inquisitor. Thanks to ISC for donating it.
Post edited February 06, 2013 by Barefoot_Monkey
Useless talent: I can pop my jaw out of joint and back at will. I showed my doctor and he got upset and told me "Don't do that anymore!" but I still do it sometimes to freak people out. :D

I got this special talent from an oral surgeon. I believe while I was under general anesthesia he stood on my face to gain leverage as he yanked all four bone impacted wisdom teeth out of my head. It was right after this I discovered my new "talent."

I'll take a shot for Inquisitor.

Thank you!
Probably not entering but I can fold a crane with my left hand only.
In for Inquisitor, thank you Thespian* and ISC. +1

Useless talent - I'm really good at being lazy. :p :D
What a list of useless (and wonderful) talents so far! This is going to be a really fun thread to read! :D
triock: In for Inquisitor, thank you Thespian* and ISC. +1

Useless talent - I'm really good at being lazy. :p :D
Can vouch for that.
I'm in for Inquisitor.
Useless skill...I don't remember the name, but in Witcher 1 there were a lots of useless spells (at least on easy), I used only Igni for all the game.
Useless skill - I can hop on one leg for pretty much any distance. I learned to do that when I was around 12, not sure why I bothered :P In for Inquisitor.



EDIT: And I can make the vulcan hand-sign too. I'm awesome :D
Post edited February 06, 2013 by Licurg
In for Inquisitor.

I have the ability to break into my own house. It has happened on two occasions, both times myself and a member of my family were trapped outside the house, and both times i managed to find a way in, without any house keys.
I can twirl an umbrella like it was a marching band baton and swear twice as bad as an American Redneck! or would that be a Sailor in the navy and to drink alcohol like it was water and be completely SOBER and NEVER GET A HANGOVER EVER

Alcohol doesn't do anything to me I have never understood what it is like to be drunk it doesn't even make me drunk!

and I'd pick INQUISITOR I can't stand those hacking games?!?
Post edited February 06, 2013 by fr33kSh0w2012