JinseiNGC224: I realize they own 40k. I knew that from the beginning. And I know all about the history of the tabletop. I'm an avid tabletop gamer too.
Sachys: Ah, sorry - I got the reverse impression! Heheh! Not enough sleep! ;)
JinseiNGC224: As the last article I posted mentioned, I do realize this. But owning rights and being the largest in existence tells me nothing other than corporate running's. I can only hope for good games in the future under the name, but I'd suffice for Dawn of War on GOG in the future. I'll just to wait and see what happens.
Sachys: Well, one good thing is that GW keep a VERY tight noose areound the neck of anyone working with the IP - a friend is going to be producing some audio for them and everything has to be done to spec - nor room for artistic licence / interpretation or changes to the codex and they check everything as it's done. So 've no doubt any games made will be true to the 40k universe, but whether they're any good will just have to be seen. I can't remember the name of it, but the fps that came out for ps2 (i think) where you play the Tau was terrible. Space Marine on the other hand was pretty good!
Yeah I've eyed 40k games for years but some have failed. I know the Tau shooter your referring to. Too bad to, I could've been great.
I never actually played Dawn of War 2. As soon as they turned it into focus on elite unit(s) and took away base building, much was lost for me in terms of fun and strategy. Part of the strategy in those to me is building a base, and strategizing about how to defend it. I'd play Dawn of War 1 Complete over and over for this reason.
Relic, though, was my second favorite company back in that day, when Dawn of War was new. It was just a short number of years since the last infinity engine game from Black Isle Studios, so both Relic and Black Isle were very big with me.
I own all the Black Isle games I could want, and even older interplay titles, but all I'm missing now is the actual RTS games that grew onto me; Homeworld, Homeworld 2, and Dawn of War for Relic. Missing from the RTS list would be Starcraft and Warcraft 2 and 3, but I know I'll never see those on here. I also know seeing Age of Empires 1 or 2 on here might be very hard. And that completes the RTS circle (oh, and the Empire Earths, but they're on GOG :D)