Hmm... I'd say, in no particular order:
Final Fantasy in general, VII in specific
Planescape: Torment
Mass Effect
Well, that's only four, but they're the ones that really stick out. I can't really recall the Banjo-Kazooie music off-hand, although I recall being very fond of it back then.
HoMM3 or HoMM4 might get a spot, but it's been a while since I played those games. I do know I loved the HoMM4 vanilla title screen music despite the looping bug...
I'm also a big fan of Jeremy Soule, for obvious reasons.
World of WarCraft deserves an honourable mention at the very least, especially the music from the expansion packs. My favourite track would be... aww, I can't pick one. I gues it's between Ulduar and Grizzly Hills. Actually, Blizzard makes awesome music for their games. Unfortunately the music tends to be overshadowed by the polished gameplay when one looks back on their games.
Let's see, what's left...? Everyday Shooter is a very impressive accomplishment, and enjoyable if you like that kind of music (look it up!). Nobody's mentioned Fallout 1 or 2 yet, which is fine by me, because the music there is closer to ambience than an actual soundtrack.
Well, I think that's about it. I think maybe I should have motivated my winner choices, I guess I'll do that later... Also, thanks for recommending Ecco the Dolphin. I looked it up on YouTube, I suspect I'll be listening to it a lot (and I usually only listen to music whilst actually playing!).
EDIT: Y'know, after some consideration I'm gonna add Freespace 2 to the list of nominees.
Post edited October 12, 2009 by Whitecroc