DarthKaal: The wikipedia article says, about the reverse V gesture, that "its use is largely restricted to the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand".
Is it really a common insult in Australia and New Zealand too? I wonder if Valve will change L4D2 cover also in those countries.
I don't know. It's not exactly common in the UK, really. Or at least, most people seem to favour just using the middle finger.
Navagon: It seems Valve have picked up on this, and now our zombies are thinking they're Winston sodding Churchill.
chautemoc: What's the Churchill reference? I am ignorant. :)
Yeah, Maverick cleared that one up nicely. It's a WW2 gesture made by our 'greatest Briton that ever lived'.
TheCheese33: You know, when I first read the title I thought Valve changed the pricing structure for Steam so Europeans wouldn't get a terrible deal anymore. But now I see that it's just box art for L4D2.
Well, the UK get pricing in £GBP, not Euros, so we're not quite as badly affected. But given the exchange rate, prices are starting to creep up. Or rocket up in the case of Modern Warfare 2.
Nafe: Gotta say I disagree, wanker is a very mild term indeed.
It's about as mild as it gets.