chezybezy: gutted that this topic isnt what i expected, however that reminds me lately ive been feeling more and more motion sickness when i game and its really driving me nuts, to the point that basically i cant game. this mainly appears to be on a console atm (xbox 360), pc i seem to be ok with (touch wood).
Some games appear to be worse, Halo 4 i seem to be ok with and MP for Halo 4 im fine with (well was last night). god help me with Aliens:CM though every time i try play it i have to stop 5 mins in from motion sickness.
Anyone have any advice? maybe ill try turn off the rumble on the xbox controller.
Headsets seem to make mine worse, not sure why. But the controller actually makes me less sick, think it's because I'm not moving as erratically as I do with a mouse. So if you can somehow turn down the turning sensitivity, that may help some.