sanscript: Right now it's all in an easy jumble with every topic in one top-forum – this negates the need to fumble through several forums (or sub forums) in search of interesting topics. It is also left up to the randomness of it all:
- Seeing news from GOG (as opposed to look for it manually/specifically)
- Finding an unknown give-away (Suplies!)
- and I do think it has been a lot easier on GOG administrating the whole forum (needs fewer people f.ex), especially in the first years.
Hm, the surprising giveaways could still be done … just pretend writing about a topic, and then it’s a giveaway instead. ;) The other points: the news is still were it belongs to, in the GOG forum, And about administration: it goes the other way. If the forums are better structured, the administration gets easier. Also there won’t be
less topics in any case, so why should administration be easier in one single forum? (Also GOG does not administrate much, because we behave.)
sanscript: But, when looking at the sheer mess – If I haven't logged on to GOG for some days – topics that where on the first page then, are now on (random guess) around page 10-15.
And like today, I'm fishing through the pages after topics that I want to read more on since last time, I middle-button-licking those I want to read from the first page. Read them. Goes to next page, and sees that most have been bumped to page 2-3. Unless, I'm opening them all up before reading them and ending up way back on the page number, so that watefox is getting really greasy and fat. :D
Yeah, I’m doing it quote the same way. Looking about the first page, opening every interesting topic in a background tab, and when I’m done, half of the topics are sunken to page2 because on the first page there are often only those “hot” topics of the last 2–3 hours (50 topics per page!). And this will become even more crowded in the future. :(
A reduction to 40% for the main gaming-related forum would be a relief, at least for a year or two.
tinyE: AND you used granulated prefectly. I just thought it sounded funny there, like we talking about baking, :P
I’m fine with baking a new forum. ;)