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I consider myself a fan of RPGs, so I have quite a few of the RPGs available here on GOG (BG, ID, and so on). But, oddly enough, I have yet to purchase a single game featured in this weekend's promo. So, since I'm currently scratching my TBS itch with Eador:Genesis, I was thinking 'd pick up another RPG and I could use some recommendations.

As context, I prefer games that are party based (think Wizardy 8) as opposed to single player (like, say, Oblivion) and would rather have turn based combat if possible (I'm old. My twitchers can't keep up). As for setting, I prefer good old fashioned fantasy/sword & sorcery settings, but I'm open to other environments. Lastly, I'm not big on micro-management in my RPGs. I own Realms of Arkania, for instance, but that was a bit too hard core for me.

So, any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated and have my thanks in advance.
Darklands fits your requirements, except for the TB one(it's real-time but you can pause during it). Also, it has lots of reading, in case that's a problem. BTW, buy King of Dragon Pass already !
Septerra Core is turn based, and party-based... but is more JRPG like... in a *somewhat* futuristic/steampunkish world..
Is a good game.
Post edited February 15, 2013 by Stooner
As Stooner already posted, the only one from promo that fits desription is Septerra Core. But if you don't mind spending a little bit more, I would suggest Arcanum or Anachronox.
Post edited February 15, 2013 by triock
I tend to avoid party based but I snagged the Geneforge 1-5 which is party based and from what I heard a real steal for the price. I got it because given its age I thought it still looked really cool (mature and sophisticated I'm not).

If you can tolerate going solo Divine Divinity is a classic if not a bit strange looking at times.

EDIT: I also grabbed Arcanum but I didn't think that was party based. Not that it matters, it's steampunk so it's a must have.
Post edited February 15, 2013 by tinyE
If I remember correctly, in Arcanum you could have a couple companions and the combat was turn-based (a little bit dull compared to BG2). But I suspect, given his tastes, the OP has already played it.

From the current promo, I would suggest Geneforge. I still haven't sunk my teeth into it, but looks promising.
Licurg: Darklands fits your requirements, except for the TB one(it's real-time but you can pause during it). Also, it has lots of reading, in case that's a problem. BTW, buy King of Dragon Pass already !
King of Dragon Pass is the next purchase on my TBS list. No point in buyng it just yet as it'll end up sitting until I get over this Eador kick.

I appreciate everyone's input so far. I have, indeed, played Arcanum before and I did enjoy it.
One more suggestion (though it's not fantasy, but rather sci-fi) - Gorky 17
Even if it's not on sale, I would suggest Planescape Torment - the best Baldur's Gate style RPG.
Actually, I hardly qualify this as a "game", it's more an "interactive narration": fightings are easy, most of them can be avoided with dialogues and, most important, the main character is immortal.
The setting is not what I would call a "classic" fantasy, it's way darker, and the plot is exceptional.

Even if it doesn't fit any of your request, I would give a try to Gothic. Back when it was released, a friend of mine gifted this game to me: it didn't look great, so I didn't have much expactations.
I was wrong, damn wrong. Sort of open world, single character (third person view), HARD in the beginning but much simpler as the game goes on, maybe one of the worst interface you can project, but one of the most satisfying game I ever tried. Plus, it's european (:P). The plot is a bit disappointing the finale, though.
HomerSimpson: I consider myself a fan of RPGs, so I have quite a few of the RPGs available here on GOG (BG, ID, and so on). But, oddly enough, I have yet to purchase a single game featured in this weekend's promo. So, since I'm currently scratching my TBS itch with Eador:Genesis, I was thinking 'd pick up another RPG and I could use some recommendations.

As context, I prefer games that are party based (think Wizardy 8) as opposed to single player (like, say, Oblivion) and would rather have turn based combat if possible (I'm old. My twitchers can't keep up). As for setting, I prefer good old fashioned fantasy/sword & sorcery settings, but I'm open to other environments. Lastly, I'm not big on micro-management in my RPGs. I own Realms of Arkania, for instance, but that was a bit too hard core for me.

So, any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated and have my thanks in advance.
Dude, Gothic, it's a fairly unique RPG experience that should not be missed. It may take a couple hours of playing to truly get engaged in, fair warning.
I jut posted this in the RPGsale thread: Geneforge rocks. It looks cool, plays smooth, and is super user friendly. Love the pastels too, nice touch!