I'd visited the site a few times, looking but got put off by the fact the currency was in Dollars.
I looked at the free games and thought 'cool free Point and Click adventures' I left the site on the condition I'd be back when they had it in Great British Pounds.
However long before this, I had bought a game on xbox 360, a collector's edition, of Alone in the Dark (2008) I wanted it, because I was starting to be more adventurous in the media I was consuming, I'd always steered clear of 'horror' but I felt then the time was right, I saw a friend play the game for 5 minutes and thought it looked good. After Playing it, I realised it is one of the worst games I had played at that time, I became obsessed at figuring out why it was so bad. I wrote several reviews for it and made a video review for it for a college project. I had mostly forgotten about it.
Then I was searching Rock Paper Shotgun, looking at the weekend deals. And funnily enough there, for about £4 they said I could get the Original 3 AitD games. I knew I had to play them, especially the first I wanna know exactly how far a series can fall.
Looking at the rest of of the catalogue, I know alot more business will come from me, the original 4 Heroes of Might And Magic Games, Rayman, the Might and Magic Series, Baldur's Gate, The nations, Constructor,Fallout, Empire Earth, all games i'd played as a kid, or missed out on, and all DRM free? you'll be hard pressed to be rid of me now i'm here.