Liberty: The most polluted societies are the pre-industrial societies.
Liberty: A large reason why men have increasing life spans is due to the rise of food quality thanks to the industrial farms.
... Yeah, fuck you, modern medicine!
Liberty: People also used to be much smaller and shorter as well.
Exactly! Those uncivilized tribes in Africa that have an average height of something like 7 feet totally could not have grown that big with all of those non-existent industrial farms they have access to! Fuck you too, evolution!
Liberty: You cannot *waste* water. The water that is given to the cow comes out of the cow. And then the water evaporates back into the sky and falls back again. It's called the Water Cycle.
Water has to be treated. Treating water uses energy. Energy which uses non-infinite resources. Hint: Polluted water comes down the same way it went up: Polluted.
Liberty: How do you *waste* corn? Corn grows from the ground. There is an infinite amount of corn. We can grow as much as we want.
I was unaware that we had an infinite amount of farmland on the earth's ~150x10^6 km^2 of land.
Liberty: The cleanest places on Earth are where there are gas powered cars. If you want disease and sickness, try a rainforest (i.e. jungle). It is why civilized man lives in cities with cars and not like Tarzan in the jungle like primitive man did.
Yeah, the smog that exists in large cities and densely populated valleys is totally natural and healthy and not at all related to the high amounts of gas powered vehicles or industry in those areas. And those silly rainforests... always going off and getting so polluted. Bad, bad rainforest! How did the earth ever get along before humans arrived! Also, just a little FYI: I live in a heavy industrialized area (there have been steel mills where I live for a century), and we have the second highest cancer rates in the nation. Coincidence? You tell me. Ask the people who have to sweep off soot from their cars and front porches every morning. "That ain't cancerous, those are just magical flavor crystals that you sprinkle on your morning cereal to help you grow big and strong!"
Liberty: Seafood is practically infinite as well.
You can most certainly argue that meat is not a killer of resources. The more we eat meat, the more resources we have.
Good lord....
Liberty: I will now only say I eat meat because it is the MORALLY SUPERIOR way of life. I believe it is immoral to deny oneself good things of the natural world.
Master of philosophy! Only one so wise as you could have reached such a conclusion.
I have a hard time believing that anyone who finished high school is capable of being so completely wrong about such basic issues. With that in mind, I'm forced to conclude that you're simply trolling, in which case I would say this: Job well done! I especially like the parts where you tell nearly every branch of science to fuck right off. That's right, science -- Who needs ya?!? We apparently don't! We have infinite resources and have no need for modern medicine, because so long as we eat meat, we will continue to get healthy -- and as an added bonus, we will apparently keep growing taller indefinitely.
Liberty: I've never met a masculine vegetarian in my life.
Hey, something we can agree on! Although to be fair, nearly every single vegetarian I've met in my life has been female... which actually just reinforces that idea. But really that hardly matters - I don't care if any male or female chooses to be vegetarian so long as they don't force anything on me. I do believe that one day we won't need to kill animals for sustenance anymore, but I think that day is far away, and I don't think we're doing anything terrible or unnatural (in fact, eating meat is quite natural) by consuming meat in the meantime.
pseudonarne: Hitler was a vegan. Cutting out the meat makes you crazy and evil.
For a vegan, he sure did love to cook meat....