MaridAudran: A novel thread query for once.
If we're going by personality, vocabulary, manners, fashion sense, and bearing, etc, then I'll have to go with
Maximilian Strauss from
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, the regent of the Tremere.
Aran Linvail, the guild leader of the Shadow Thieves from
Baldur's Gate II would be a runner-up. Or alternate, depending on the day and company.
(Even if, in terms of clout, I feel like one of those nameless "commoners" that you scroll your mouse over in the urban areas.)
Who I aspire to be: Check out my user name. The crafty, self-made roguish detective with a heart of gold in a decadent, vice-laden cyberpunk future.
Linvail was interesting. He was different from the thief guild master in the 1st Baldurs Gate. I liked linvail more as I thought he had more character. My favorite thief character in all the games was Saemon Havarian as he really just reminded me of a jack sparrow type thief who bullshit his way past anything. Lying, double bluffing his way through problems and only thinking of how to get past his next mission. He was a bastard but one of my favorite ones at that ;)