reaver894: how do you guys remember that stuff. at best guess id say mid 90's but actually knowing the exact year is crazy
Well, as ET3D already said it's usually tied some kind of important personal experience.
For me, I remember friends who had 28.8k/33.6k modems and being totally hyped by new super-mega-ultra-fast 56.6k modems becoming available. So that places it before 1998. And Netscape Navigator was the browser of choice at the time, so we're definitely around 1996 before the Browser Wars started going Microsoft's way. On the other hand I got my first computer (well, my father did) in 1994 and definitely didn't know about the internet then, so 95/96-ish is a fairly educated guess for my First Contact(TM).
To know when I got internet myself (well, my mom did) is even easier: brand-spanking new ISDN connection, pay-by-the-minute, The Smashing Pumpkins - Machina II double album download, 300 dollar phone bill, one suddenly very broadband-flatrate eager mom.