Theoclymenus: I seem to remember that my horse also disappeared : funny but kind of not funny as well :) I'm sure the info on how to correctly install these mods, mod conflicts and mod install order is available but it is not always easy to track it down.
I had only that one mod installed, for saddlebags. My first frustration came when it didn't work. i opened readme, and it said "this mod requires blabla which obviously is not included in the package"
so i downloaded and installed this shit, but still couldn't find saddlebags in the game. So I read further. "If you can't find any saddlebags, enter this and that command line"
my frustration was HUGE.
but it worked, so I packed half of my shit there and when onto speed travel. After speedtravel, my horse disappeared. So I read "in case your horse disappears, do this and that to retrive your items"
I SNAPPED and uninstalled this fucking mod and I will never install any mods on Oblivion ever again. This mod was recommended for saddlebags on Nexus, so I don't want to know how buggy other mods can be.
The usual hilarious bugs, like two headed horses (two horses spawned at the same exact location), guards stuck inside the walls etc are coming from vanilla game :P