JCD-Bionicman: I'm not crying,
Cormoran: Yeah, you are.
but your comment might be indicative of your subconscious crying out for someone to give a shit about you.
Cormoran: Is that the same as your subconscious crying out for someone to console you about your fathers homosexuality?
Again, eat my shit.
Cormoran: Quite the anal fascination you have there.
I only bothered to come back and reply because I thought maybe someone worth talking to might have replied to me.
Cormoran: Thanks for the compliment. :)
I'm having a fine day actually, I'm about to go play HR and cease giving a fuck about this thread.
Cormoran: Suuure you will. I believe you.
And by all means, do tell me where I went wrong. I'd be happy to at least have an argument, but as said people think that it's cool to leave minimal meaningless sentences who's implications are utter shit strawmanning or outright lies.
Cormoran: You went wrong in failing to prove your extraordinary claim. This is something that no one has had a problem with, myself included. Windows 8 has been around long enough that if this was common enough to validate your anti-microsoft conspiracy theory we'd have seen multiple complaints on this forum by now.
Others have made insightful suggestions on what the problem might be, you've chosen to ignore them just so you could further attempt to troll and complain.
Keep in mind who is unprovokedly attacking someone for no other fucking reason than to defend their sad microsoft fanboy-esque egos.
Dad's not gay, I thought you'd at least have a shred of sense enough to understand I was being hyperbolic.
Anal fascination? I'm not the one eating shit. I just put it in the toilet, and whoever is starving for decrement on the other side of the sewage line, say people like you, are none of my concern.
Wasn't a compliment dickhead, I was quite obviously stating you were not worth replying to. As long as I keep getting notifications I'm going to respond to whichever dickhead thinks he's got a half a brain though, because that's the equivalent of calling me out and I won't just let any shithead get away with it.
I don't need to prove shit, that's not what this thread was about. Anyone with a computer and windows 8 who tries to load up steam or any other digital distribution and tries to download a game can clearly see that I'm correct, or perhaps incorrect. I'd be glad to be proved wrong, hurr durr the fucking title is a query as to why 8 clearly is preventing me from using the downloader, instead pointing to the microsoft store. I don't care if you shitheads think this is something that happens "every windows release," the obvious fact of the matter is that this has NEVER happened before. And as said, I actually casually dismissed the rumors until I actually used 8.
Leave it to a fucking retard such as yourself to troll and then trollcall, not like it's original or anything.
But anyways, you can see for yourself just how helpful people have been to solving my problem:
Cormoran: The GOG downloader works perfectly fine for me, same with Steam and Origin. Windows 8 hasn't hindered these in any way. More than likely you haven't got something configured right.
wodmarach: It works fine it's just you. No seriously check your comp it's not win8 itself.
Are you sure you haven't got the beta opt-in turned on and trying to use the normal version?
That last user is the only person to have done anything remotely close to what could be considered "help." It's a bit condescending first of all, and then the "help" given is extremely vague.
This user did what he should have, unlike you hot headed fucks.
Thunderstone: Could you post a screenshot of the popup in question?
You might want to report your problem in this thread: