Posted August 29, 2012

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic

Registered: Apr 2011
From Hungary
Posted August 29, 2012
Supposedly it's really painful because all the nerves are exposed and the breeze stimulates those nerves. A teacher in high school told me it was a medieval form of torture. I don't remember much from high school, but traumatisation helped me remember that fact.

GOG Marketer Guy Team
Registered: Nov 2010
From Poland
Posted August 29, 2012
As soon as it's on Steam, I'm preordering (or, I guess, buying if they don't do Steam preorders) three copies of it. The gameplay demo they did this week convinced me.

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Germany
Posted August 29, 2012
I'll wait until the release and check some reviews. However usually one can trust Firaxis to deliver good things. I hope they removed only the boring things and didn't make it too simple. The best points were the management and the exploration of the alien sites.

Cat Confuser Lv6
Registered: Dec 2010
From Russian Federation
Posted August 29, 2012
The "original" haircut is awesome. Won't preorder, though... October release, just a few months before the Christmas sale and enough time for reviews and patches.

New User
Registered: Jul 2012
From Finland
Posted August 31, 2012
I'ts definitiely looking very promising at the moment. This is along with Wasteland 2 one of the upcoming games that I'm really looking forward to play.

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted August 31, 2012
They traded atmosphere for action. This looks fun but anyone who grew up on x com will know this isn't x com.
I'm opting for xenonaughts instead. That and Wasteland 2 have me excited.
I'm opting for xenonaughts instead. That and Wasteland 2 have me excited.

Right bastard
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted August 31, 2012
That hour-long play through video has me pretty much ready to pre-order whenever it becomes available.

Registered: Jul 2009
From Canada
Posted August 31, 2012
1) It *is* Firaxis guys, this is not some fly-by-night FPS developer ruining Syndicate we are talking about here. Why would you doubt them?
2) They would not take on such an oddball project without passionate leads.
2) They would not take on such an oddball project without passionate leads.

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted August 31, 2012
Ok, quick question. So far, best price I've found for it is €39.99 in retail. Has anyone found it cheaper anywhere else so far, or should I go get it next month?

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Netherlands

New User
Registered: Jul 2012
From Finland
Posted August 31, 2012
My goodness! How could I have not been aware of this project at all! Now I most definitely will get these both, because I really was blown away by the cinematic approach on the tactical combat on the Firaxis take on it (plus the new look and feel of the base, which looks pretty darn cool) shown on the hour long gameplay video, but I also love the more loyal to the original-approach of Xenonauts.
Post edited August 31, 2012 by jesusburton

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted August 31, 2012
I finally got to watch the videdo and, man, it's amazing. Although I am not fan of that graphic presentation, I found the gameplay great. Who can not love game with grapple gun? The gameplay felt great.
Thinkgs I disliked: It looked too easy, graphic is not my cup of coffee, how the saved civilian ran toward random direction even toward enemy location but was already considered saved, customisation only with pre-order and all that focus on pre-order stuff.
What I liked: Everything else. ;-)
I think that was great way to promote the game and I only hope more companies would do it.
I probably won't pre-order, only thing I ever pre-ordered is Legend of Grimrock but I'll probably buy it soon after release.
Thinkgs I disliked: It looked too easy, graphic is not my cup of coffee, how the saved civilian ran toward random direction even toward enemy location but was already considered saved, customisation only with pre-order and all that focus on pre-order stuff.
What I liked: Everything else. ;-)
I think that was great way to promote the game and I only hope more companies would do it.
I probably won't pre-order, only thing I ever pre-ordered is Legend of Grimrock but I'll probably buy it soon after release.

Running late
Registered: Jan 2009
From Netherlands
Posted August 31, 2012 (€33.35) (€33.35) This 1 is the cheapest, but it's a Dutch site. (€30.59) Their English site is more expensive (£29.74). You can change the .nl to .de if that's easier for you. No idea how they deal with deliveries these days, but a few years ago you had no problem ordering from 1 of their other sites if it was cheaper.
The 1st 2 sites have free delivery in Europe, unless you want it tracked. wowhd has free delivery for my country, but you would need to check for yours.
Post edited August 31, 2012 by HertogJan

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Netherlands
Posted August 31, 2012
Zavvi is usually nice and cheap but keep in mind it can take weeks before you get your game. Speed isn't their thing, at all. That's fine if you just care about getting the game, not so much if you're preordering something because you want it as quick as possible.