Posted June 07, 2012
I'll say this, I hate mowing with a passion. It just seems so pointless and wasteful to me, but hey, if people are willing to pay for it, that's their deal. There are some things considered yard work I do like, but definitely not mowing.
Magnitus: (if ever I got stuck with a lawn, I'd try to replace the grass with lichen or something like that... I'd probably have more fun looking for an alternative than repetitively take care of the stupid grass which I consider is an foppish urban "I'm masturbating my ego" weed anyways) That's a good way to put it. When I do own a yard, I think I'd just rock the whole thing. That or find something useful to do with the grass, like convert it to usable energy or let something else eat it that I could then eat or somehow break it down for material to be used with 3D printing (I don't know if that's possible, but it sounds good :P)
gooberking: Trees started springing up along the fence line, and as it turns out its not enough to cut them down. They just keep growing, and then the root gets bigger, tougher, and more suborn. I've taken a chisel and fist fulls of salt to the roots, but I still have wood stuck in the chain link I have no idea how to remove, and new stuff just keeps growing. Try Tordon on those trees. Make sure to put it on a fresh cut before the cut starts drying out and healing. After a while (a year or two) the trunks in the fence might rot enough that you can just pull and break it off the fence (kind of depends how big the trees are and what type, I'm assuming they're small if it's a chain link fence.)
Be careful though too, if the trees are very close to other big trees that you want to keep and especially if they are the same species (these small trees could be part of the bigger trees root system), it could partially kill the bigger trees, maybe even kill them outright if you apply it very liberally. If a neighbors tree is too close, it'd be best to not take a chance of killing it.

Be careful though too, if the trees are very close to other big trees that you want to keep and especially if they are the same species (these small trees could be part of the bigger trees root system), it could partially kill the bigger trees, maybe even kill them outright if you apply it very liberally. If a neighbors tree is too close, it'd be best to not take a chance of killing it.
Post edited June 07, 2012 by KyleKatarn