JohnWalrus: Thanks! Count me in :) My fav song to listen to on headphones is Gigantic, by the Pixies. If only I had headphones...
A classic. Great on headphones or blasting from pretty much any set of speakers. It would probably sound great being played out of a shitty cassette player underwater. ;)
Investing in good headphones was the best decision I've made in a number of years (but then, that may say something of my priorities.) If you're in the market for some, I can't recommend Grado Labs' products enough. I have a pair of
Grado SR60i's, which are hands down the most brilliant headphones I've ever heard. They sound better than any headphones I've tried in the $300-$400 range, and they're under $100. Best customer service I've ever received as well.
GOGwiiisfun: Thanks! I'm in. I've always been fond of Dunken Donuts coffee for some reason.
You know, I used to always be looking for some new exotic coffee beans I hadn't tried before, but I've taken such a liking to Dunkin' Donuts coffee that it's what I get most often now.