Posted October 11, 2012

chrono commando
Registered: Jan 2012
From Australia

Yep, I'm a girl
Registered: Feb 2012
From Austria
Posted October 11, 2012

Makes my day every time I read something bad about Zynga. Let's face it, when you're 'making money' by stealing other people's ideas and selling them on Facebook as your own, yep, you deserve to go down in flames.
My prediction is, a couple of years from now, they'll be the "remember that company that used to make Facebook games before they went bankrupt' folks.
Post edited October 11, 2012 by Bloodygoodgames

Buy Sacrifice!!!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted October 11, 2012
Ok, who downrepped Roman5?

It's 2L84U
Registered: Sep 2011
From Puerto Rico

Buy Sacrifice!!!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania

Registered: Jun 2009
From United States
Posted October 11, 2012
Ding dong the witch is dead...
I have little sympathy for these people
I have little sympathy for these people

Registered: Sep 2008
From Christmas Island
Posted October 11, 2012
I think at this point there are quite a few people who downrep Roman's posts no matter what they are about. Stupid, I know, but it's not the first time this happens (although not to Roman himself I think).
As for Zinga, I've never played any of their games (or any FB games for that matter) so I don't really care what happens to them, but I'm not quite sure what they've ever done to make people hate them so much.
As for Zinga, I've never played any of their games (or any FB games for that matter) so I don't really care what happens to them, but I'm not quite sure what they've ever done to make people hate them so much.

Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted October 11, 2012

Whether their games were good or not, i don't know, as i don't use facebook. I would feel sorry for honest working devs if they went out of business, but at the end of the day their company was made for the short term in my opinion. Now that everyone is buying apps for their iphone/pads it makes facebook games a little less relevant.

Buy Sacrifice!!!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden

Buy Sacrifice!!!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania

The iron-y
Registered: Nov 2008
From Slovenia
Posted October 11, 2012
They might be just rating his presentation. I mean, hell, five words and a ctrl+v.

Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted October 11, 2012

Buy Sacrifice!!!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted October 11, 2012
It's called a joke. You overreacted over something utterly stupid, and I made a joke about you...

The iron-y
Registered: Nov 2008
From Slovenia