Mad3: -Is the term outsider used in the same way as foreigner?
That means for somebody from the material plane, everything that comes not from the material plane is an outsider.
For a demon from the abyss, everything that comes not from the abyss is an outsider. So a demon cleric with the evil domain could use turn undead on humans.
No, it would not work this way. "Outsider" refers to a specific class of creatures. A human is a "humanoid", and is not vulnerable to anything that exclusively affects other creature types.
In the pen and paper game, this is something that is explicitly stated. Take for instance a
Rakshasa. The
very first thing listed about this creature is that it is a medium outsider with the native subtype. If it doesn't say outsider, it's not an outsider.
Mad3: - I have never played PnP RPGs. In the computer game, a high level mage or cleric beats almost every fighter.
In PnP, it depends on how experienced the player is and how well-built the characters are. Good martial builds can deal hundreds of points of damage on a charge or full attack, are decked head to toe in magic items that render them difficult to target/engage, and have methods to fly and cover large distances in a single turn to allow them to engage elusive foes. An inexperienced wizard can be destroyed quite easily by an elite fighter, even at high levels. However, if the wizard is well-played then the fight is heavily in his favor. He won't win it with damage-dealing spells, however; the wizard has far more potent options at his disposal than trying to burn through the immense amount of hit points a d10 class will have at higher levels.
Mad3: - I have a crazy idea: There is a monk who can equip shield and he has feats for dual-wielding. He says: "It is something that covers my hand, so its a glove. I don´t care how other people call it. "
This way a kaze no kama keeps his damage, but increases his defence.
Doesn't work. A shield is not a Monk weapon, and the Monk's AC bonus from wisdom does not work when using a shield.
You can say what you want, it doesn't change the fact that a shield is a shield for the purposes of the rules. Monk cannot flurry with a shield and loses the AC bonus when using a shield.