vAddicatedGamer: In TW1 there seemed to be a greater emphasis on the nuance and inflection whereas in TW2 sometimes it feels like the voice-actor is just blazing through the lines.
I haven't really felt that anyone has just been blazing through their lines yet, but maybe there's more of that later in the game. I guess I'll see. Also, I could be missing some nuance since I don't actually understand Polish (although, knowing some Russian, I've been able to recognize a surprising number of the Polish words).
vAddicatedGamer: Not sure if you meant preferring ... to the English VO or preferring ... to TW1's Polish VO. If you meant the former, then you are not alone. I am one for Polish VO too.
Yeah I meant that I prefer the Polish voices to the English voices in Witcher 2, sorry for the poor phrasing. Geralt especially I like much better. I like his new look too!
Having seen some of the prologue in English, though, I will concede that the various accents for people from different places (most notably the diplomat from Nilfgaard) were pretty cool. I suppose it's possible that they used different accents in the Polish VO but I can't pick up on them since I don't speak Polish myself.