rodolfoigl: If you have played Mass Effect 2, you would understand. Very similar to the witcher, but instead haveing 16 ends, it got 4 dif ends and the game is super long. Even more, after you are done with all teh quests, you can still check up your character and keep going all over the place. I mean, cmm, that is not too hard to do. It makes peaple love their toons. stick to the game. and not play the same things over and over 16 times with some changes in who you killed or not.
Whoa, Witcher2 and ME2 are
nothing alike, they are not even in the same league. W2 is an RPG, ME2 is... not. It's a shooter with some rpg and action adventure elements.
And why can you play on ME2 after the finale? To let you run through locations you already finished with nothing left to do?
So they could sell some more DLC before release of ME3, that is the whole point.
It's not like it's a TES game, where you take the word as a basis for new adventures from modding.
Just my opinion, but it doesn't make sense to run through a world that is basically done. Some RPG's with a complete open world (not chapters) can be used as a sandbox, but not a story driven game, after there's no story anymore, right? If there are going to be custom adventures, they will be extra modules, like in TW1, because that's just the way it works.
Taylon: I've been playing for more than 40 hours and still haven't got past killing the Kayron. Somehow I don't think I ever will, despite so many saying its easy.
I did that last night. It's really hard, even after you worked out the theory. But it helps to find a little loophole like that convenient stone foot on the left side. It's a blind spot, so I did exploit that to stand there and regenerate my health after every severed tentacle. And I "cheated" by looking up on YT where exactly I need to run to after the ride on the sweeping arm. I was there twice before - one time the game just decided to crash on me at that point, lol.
I don't know how many hours I've played, because they forgot the timer and I really didn't bother to write down the five minutes between crashes, before I disabled DOF and could play longer at a time. But I've been at it since release day and just won the Kayran fight... at least there's a really nice piece of story progression right afterwards, so don't give up! ;)