Posted May 30, 2011

Now if you are all talking about the first fight with him at the Elven Garden, and right after we fell into the Pool area, I beat him in less then 10 seconds by just pounding at him with left-click and right-click and maybe one Igni and had him down to less then 1/4 health, then got a cut scene as if I had lost the battle, laying there in the corner and having him gloat about beating me. He soon went off and the game continued. And I was playing on Normal, so not sure if this is the battle all of you say is real tough or is there another battle (which I asume will be)? I also gcould have been very lucky?

Pretty much this:
Aard, then hack and slash (heavy) untill he blocks first, then aard again, then more slashes(heavy) untill block and one more aard and slashes untill cutscene. All this time he was against the wall so he could do much
Very cheesy tactic imho.... But so are bombs and daggers i guess.
I wish a sort of block/riposte normal swordfight would be possible on hard, but i just couldn't do it :(