Posted July 09, 2011

The one mention of NB is "Namco Bandai has purchased a 34% stake in Atari Europe on May 14, 2009, paving the way for its acquisition from Infogrames."
Which BTW Namco Bandai had a different name at the time.... LOL,_SA
Wiki page last modified on 13 June 2011 at 22:21.
"Namco Bandai buyout of Atari Europe and Distribution Partners"
Wiki was last modified on 9 January 2011 at 02:34.
"On 7 July 2009, Atari Australia was completely acquired by Namco Bandai Holdings, and is no longer a subsidiary of Atari but rather one of Namco Bandai but the new company will still distribute Atari's titles in Australia.[1] Namco Bandai Holdings already had a 30% share in Atari's Australian subsidiary. Later in 2009 Namco Bandai Holdings acquired Atari's European operations outright in one swoop."
Well, it would seem it's all one big GIANT screwy mess and all I can say is:
p.s. I still liked Ripten's picture best!! WOO HOO!