Paul_cz: I already read all 7 books twice (in Czech) but learning Spanish does not sound bad. Spanish is quite widely used language so it would be useful, and from what I heard the spanish translation it supposed to be very good.
I mean, Polish (like Czech) is nice and all, but learning language used in only one country...does not seem like a usefully spent time to me.
I actually read them in Spanish. As far as learning Spanish, I dunno how hard it would be to learn it on your own to the extent that you'd be proficient enough to read these books. There are some archaic verb forms (lots of weird vosotros stuff) and there is a lot of new vocabulary. I have a bachelor's in Spanish and I still had to look up a LOT of nouns and verbs that I just hadn't encountered in my studies, mainly because it's a fantasy books.
But yes...the Spanish translations seemed great to me. Even with it being a second language to me there were lots of moments in the series that really impacted me emotionally.