darthspudius: It's not so much being over powered, just no reward at all. It just seems mean and makes it a tad pointless to do them all haha.
Yeah, I suppose you've got a point there. :) I have completionist tendencies myself, which is why I am currently travelling around Skellige isles doing the rather tedious and completely unrewarding repetitive "smuggler's cache" exploration. While the smuggler's cache and basic sunken treasure locations are pretty useless, I'm taking the time to stop at each small island I encounter, get out and explore it. Along the way I've found a small handful of goodies too including item schematics that are not a part of any of the Witcher gear or other quests but instead seem to be rewards for being exploratory and curious. Sadly, the stats on most of the items I've unlocked are lower than what I am already using but it's still cool to have found them. I suspect 95%+ of gamers playing the game are not _this_ curious and exploratory. I have definitely found some cool things though, and most of the cool stuff does not ever show up with an icon on the map, before or after finding it. I kind of wish I was recording video of my exploration and could make a web page or something showing where to find all kinds of secret gear in the game that doesn't show up on the map. I've found tonnes of crap so far. :)
My most recent find was "The Negotiator", a sword. Chances are somebody out there both as curious as me and more motivated has probably compiled a map of some of these locations online somewhere though for the lazygamers out there. :P
But yeah, there is some tedium to it too. It's much like going to the beach with a metal detector with the excitement of the treasures you might find today, to come home with a bucket full of rusty nails, pop cans, and 50 cents or less of pocket change and some rusty clothes pin springs. You know, the same kind of loot 99% of the chests and barrels in Witcher 3 contain. ;)