evolute: Anyone ever fought in the swamps? Of course you have. If you step into one of those water holes while fighting you wished you'd be able to jump in combat. Also I can not understand why Geralt can not step over smaller obstacles in combat mode...
Thanks. I haven't been in the swamps yet, or at least got stuck in a water hole, I look forward to that! :)
It's such a shame, the very least they should do with a combat game, is get the combat perfect. The inconsistency is annoying me too. One fight I can dodge/roll along a fence, scattering planks as I go, another fight, I get stuck rolling against a small box or somesuch while a heavy is axing me! On the plus side, I found a glitch that allowed me to crossbow a Gargoyle to death (standard weak bolts) Lol. I'd pass on that for combat/movement that is precise, consistent and reliable. :)
MegaYama: Sticking to objects is more real than you think, try to roll against a wall or a tree...you would also be stuck xD
Don't complain about the dodging and being stuck at objects, you couödn't roll over a rock in real life, without causing you much pain and injuries. The environment in a fight is very important and creates the difficulty. Just dodging all day long, would make you tired and an easy meal for an enemy.
Ever heard of "tactical fights"? You have to think twice before you enter a dungeon or area with strong monsters. You should spot out the area before attacking and you will find environmental stuff which could affect your fight and turn against you!
For the problem with not working attacks or items:
I have encountered the same issue, sometimes Geralt doesn't do what I want him to do...he doesn't attack at all, or is attacking the opposite direction, meanwhile the boss is recovering and giving me an even harder time than before.
Sometimes my crossbow or bombs wouldn't affect him at all. Even the signs seem to be buggy in some situations. This is really a pain and made me mad a lot of times! Especially when you are about to do the final strike....
Sorry to disagree M.Y., but in my game I can walk thru many of the smaller trees and bushes & as to your point about painful/injury rock rolling, you cannot be serious. We're supposed to be a badass Wicher, and if 4-6 bandits armed to the teeth, having at you is meat & drink, then I don't expect a small rock to be a worry. :) The point is, the game is buggy! We're talking about stuff that's just plain wrong & faulty, not the subtleties of injury validation.