Posted May 31, 2015

If it was really caused by messing with the graphics settings ( which seems unlikely, but who knows ) you can set things back to default directly via the configuration files in the game folder. There's various graphics tweaking guides all over the web. Worst case, uninstall the game ( hopefully you kept back-ups of the installer ) and re-install, keeping your save games. That should reset everything to default settings.

I've been able to run the game from the executable 2 times now and the third time when I tried switchng to fullscreen I Couldnt tab-out to the task manager so I was forced to reboot my PC.
If I go to the option and play with the fullscreen/unlimited settings it seems to freeze when I try to apply the changes, but if I leave the game as is and try to play it hangs, CTD and somehow the game keeps running no image but the audio isplaying like nothing has happened.
I just wanna ride around exploring and maybe lose some hands of gwent.
for anyone wondering I don't know if it makes a difference I have a GTX970 16gb ram and FX8350
And if that fails, contact CDPR support directly. If it used to work fine on your PC, then there ought to be a way to fix this.
Post edited May 31, 2015 by CharlesGrey