korli2: S a d meaning go suck a dick? Is that what you meant to insult people who politely ask you to be nicer and less abusive towards them?
Come on man, GOG Galaxy atm has a great community. People are polite and helpful but eventually they will get upset when you keep showing such inpolite behavior.
Don't get me wrong, it's easy to be like that, there's no strength in it, it shows weakness of mind.
I'll also ask you, just be cool, chill out, take a deep breath, start again.
yorktown1983: ty korli i will take ur advice i just want 2 note he calls me not neurotypical (=insane), well if some of t he others in this thread are what he considers neurotypical i hope 2 god im not lol
You've been using autism as an insult. And there are many ways of being not neuropypical without being "insane", including Aspergers', ADHD, Synesthesia, SPD, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, hypersensitivity, eidetic memory and so on.
Tourette has a different effect, I'm not talking about that - but you sure are insulting and respectless in this thread.
If you appreciate levelheaded responses, it might help if you gave one yourself.
yorktown1983: i consider it finished for my purposes as i am right and all who disagree are wrong.
There certainly is a name for this condition as well.