It was one of the first Adventure games I ever played. I fell in love with point and click adventure games back in 1995-1996 because of 3 games; Alien Virus, Toonstruck & Bevis and Butthead Virtual Stupidity.
It lead me down a rabbit hole of finding as many games like it as I could. Finding Broken Sword, Full Throttle, Monkey Island, Simon the Sorcerer, Diskworld, King's Quest, The Black Cauldron, Space Quest & Shadow Gate to name a few that I found first.
I joined message boards and chats using AOL free disks so I could find as many as I could. I made a lot of friends and we would share games we found that we liked and rate them.
It all started with a mediocre adventure game called Alien Virus that I borrowed from my best friend back in 1995.